Congrats, you submitted the last few pages of your yearbook! Finishing the creation of the yearbook is such a feat that the excitement often shadows the rest of the school year. Now that the book is over, there are a few various activities your students can do before the end of the year.

The button was pushed. The fireworks displayed.
A gift to graduates
As the yearbook staff, you obviously have photographs of the school year. Often at graduation ceremonies, a slideshow is shown that features the graduating seniors. Whether your staff is in charge of this or not, your staff can be involved in collecting these memories (especially of the final weeks of school) and giving one final tribute to the seniors.
Distribution preparation
Your book is a big deal, and it’s something that needs to be celebrated. The distribution event should feel like an extension of your yearbook and planned in the same likeness. It’s also a great opportunity to make a little more money for your program. Take a look at some really cool ideas for distribution.
Capstone project
Creating a yearbook provides students rich experience in nearly a dozen 21st-century skills. While they may not want to do one more project, it’s important for you (and possibly administration) to see how their experience on the yearbook staff has influenced them or honed their skills. By having students complete a capstone project (such as a presentation of learning), you can better understand what they learned, how they might apply that learning and how they wish to continue building upon it.
Get ahead of next year
When one book closes, another opens. It’s never too early to begin thinking about the theme of your next yearbook. Brainstorm and concept multiple ideas. Depending on how you’ve set up your staff culture, either make the decision after the presentations or allow next year’s staff to decide.
Have you had a staff party yet? You’ve likely celebrated your students throughout the year but completing the book (and selling out) all deserve their own kind of award. Make it special for them. If your administration allows it, bring your students off campus to some sort of activity day. Whatever it is, celebrate the staff’s achievements.
Written by: Jason Kaiser
Associate Marketing Manager, Jostens
Jason works with various print, digital and social initiatives bringing content to life through Yearbook Love, the Digital Classroom and more. A former yearbook adviser, Jason has worked with scholastic journalism for more than eight years.